Lower Sixth Form Self-Report March 2024

Lower Sixth Form Academic Reflection and Commitment

Writing a comment on your report provides you with a chance to take a leading role in your learning. You should note any themes found across your subjects and record your own progress and successes (and failures too where they have provided a learning experience, as they often do!). You should also reflect on the school learning behaviours; you should acknowledge which you have made progress with, and which will be a focus for the term ahead.

With the above in mind, you should answer the following two questions in a short paragraph after a discussion with your tutor:

Q1 What have you done (or not done) to develop your learning this term?

Q2 What specific commitments do you make to close the gap between your current attainment and those grades to which you aspire at the end of the course? 

This section should start with ‘I commit to…’

Your report will be included as written at the bottom of your grade card (for your family and school record).

Helpful prompts for all year groups are as follows: ·

  • Which learning behaviours are a current focus for you? · How have I used the science of learning to develop my study skills? Link to the science of learning to develop your study skills?
  • How effectively have I responded to the feedback provided by my teachers?
  • How will you close the gap between your current levels of attainment and those to which you aspire?
  • Are there any other elements of school life you would particularly like to record?
  • How have you improved your skills, or addressed misconceptions/topics you have found difficult?
  • How have you approached revisiting learning from across your full IB or A Level courses and revision for tests?

Example: Lower Sixth

This term when I have developed misconceptions, I have then found it hard to learn the material that follows. I have got better at raising things with my teachers when I am struggling. I have also found that there is far more content to learn ahead of tests. Leaving revision to the last minute has then resulted in me struggling when several tests come at once. Notes I have made have been pretty good, but they are not always easy to revise from. I also need to sit down on a Monday and look at all my work for the week ahead. Last year I knew what I had to do each night and now I can leave things and then get stressed when deadlines come together. Finally, essay writing does not come that easily to me and so this is an area for me to focus on next term.

I commit to using teacher feedback more effectively. I have just been reading comments and will look to rewrite sections (of longer answers especially) when I get feedback until I am satisfied with the mark. I have also identified a Tuesday as a day I can stay in school later so will go to the library. In those sessions I will make summary notes that are ready to revise from so that I can test myself more effectively (and regularly) in the buildup to tests.

The technical bit

To access reports, you will need to go to the Pupil Portal and follow the below workflow.

Pupil Profile | Self Appraisal

This is what you will see:

Screen 1 (after following the above workflow)

Screen 2 (upon selecting the report cycle name (i.e. US Full Y12 Sp2)